Barnsley Chronicle

Article taken from the Barnsley Chronicle 

A tunnel in Wombwell Woods has been a centre of a Paranormal Investigation. Paranormal Investigator Phil Sinclair from Brampton Road, West Melton decided to look into Wombwell Woods after hearing local stories and Legends about the 'Convicts Tunnel in the woodland.

Phil achieved National Fame last year when his investigation into the Stocksbridge Bypass showed a Ghostly figure passing behind him.

Last weekend along with trusty Cameraman Ash  Cox. Phil headed into the woodland after dark to see what he could find.

Phil 30, said "There is a lot of history in the woods related to Suicides and Murders. And is a big interest to local people and Paranormal Investigators who say there is a lot of Activity there."

"The story goes that the Tunnel was used in the early 1800s as a means of transporting Convicts to a nearby Prison.

"It was supposedly a stoping point where they could rest before continuing their travel.

"Now it is just left there in the woods. There used to be a train track running down it but it has been long abandoned.

"It was a weird experience but you definitely have to have your wits about you. It was creepy but you can't let that stop you.

Phil was armed with an Ovilus - A device a device that reads electromagnetic waves in the air and turns them into words.

"I asked after hearing a loud bang if someone was there? It said 'Enjoy' and then said 'Clown' I asked it watch it had thrown then it said 'Ball' and then 'Evil'

"I asked who was there then it said 'Daniel' and then 'Dan'

"The Ovilus is not a scientifically proven tool but alot of Paranormal Investigators use them.

"There is much debate around them but I have had a lot of success with it. People say it could be spitting out random words but it does seem to reply to questions.

Phil focuses his investigations around South Yorkshire and has previously explored a tunnel in Thurgoland and Monk Bretton Priory.

When he isn't hunting the Paranormal he works as a Guitar Teacher.

"I am half and half when it comes to whether I believe" Phil said. "I try to be logical about it. I'm not the one to say every bump or noise is a Ghost. But it is exciting when something happens and you can't find an explanation for it.

Phil shares his investigations on his YouTube Channel 'Phil Sinclair's Paranormal Investigations' and has gained hundreds of Followers. -

Oliver Dyson

Watch the investigation in Full below


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